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Showing posts from August, 2014

The Pant Suit "Remix"

Some people know that I love a good pair of pants. Honestly, I wear pants more than I wear skirts and dresses. I'm sure you can tell from my blog post. HA! Well, I've been wanting to do a pants post for some time now and I've been loving the "Pant Suit" Trend. I originally wanted to design a light pink version and still plan on making it. However, I decided to do a little remix to the pant suit. By making it from a bold, bright, & abstract print I bought a while back.

Last Days of Summer

It seems like this summer just flew by. I'm not even sure if I got to do everything that I wanted to do this summer. But honestly this summer was the best summer I had in a long time. I accomplish so much in the past three months. I launch my blog, I opened up my online Etsy shop, I join a few sewing groups, etc.


Yellow has always been a favorite color of mine. To me it represents happiness. The sun shining a special light down on you, wanting you to smile and be happy. Happiness is the one thing that can make a horrible day or boring day into something beautiful. I challenge you to find something each day, that makes you happy and manifest on that thought. Let it warm your heart and over take your mind. 

Lady in Red

Red has got to be the most sexiest color on earth. When a women wears red she feels, sexy, sophisticated, elegant, and timeless. I always wanted a red dress that was sexy and said "She is a Boss". However, I could never could find the right one. Nothing seem to suit my taste. I wanted something I could not only wear to a meeting but also wear on a date. So, I designed this.