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Showing posts from February, 2016

How to Style // Dress to Mini Skirt

Daunting when your looking at your wardrobe and you scream out "I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR!!!" I think sometimes we can be a bit over dramatic don't you think. I know I am! Instead of screaming or turning our closet inside out let's stop for a second and think. What can we do to make something out of nothing.

Cargo Pants & Dumbo Art

They sometimes say cargo pants are for boys, I say whatever. In the streets of New York there are no rules. Just decorative wall art and a girl screaming for her voice to be heard. It's time that we stop settling for the norm and burst out in creativeness.

What to Wear // Winter Days

We just had a major snow storm this past weekend, that left everyone having a little cabin fever moment. The city was almost vacant of cars and people. There were a few of those adventurous ones willing to risk frost bites not to stay in the house. However, it had a pegged a question for me. How can you dress when your up to the knee with snow.

Guest Blogger :: Ruthie X Joy

Happy Love Month!!! Although I believe we should show people love everyday. That's something that honestly the world needs more off!!! Supporting one another, caring and not just the people we like but the people that's mean to us!