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Showing posts from 2016

How to Style | Two Ways to Style Bell Sleeve Sweater

With all the holidays festivities going on and searching online for gifts no one has time to truly shop for self. This is the best time to learn how exactly to build upon the pieces you have in your closet. Since, it's sweater weather this is the best time to take on the challenge!!

Thrifting: A New Way to Shop

Growing up, when you have several siblings there was a thing called hand-me-downs. If you were the oldest child you were happy because you got new things. Wasn't all the same for everyone that came after. Your childhood included clothes past down from your oldest siblings. I remember watching sitcoms that talked about this, even friends that told me how much it annoyed them. It's crazy to think now that we are older, having second hand clothing is a thing. Not just a thing but a way of life especially in New York City.

Beauty // Winter Facial Regimen

I'm so excited to share this new step in my life with you. It's a new season, all around for me spiritually and natural. In this season God has required me to go up a level in every aspect, including how i take care of the body he has given me. We all know what happens when winter comes around, for most of us we get lazy, let our leg hair grow for a few armpits to. We really just don't care because when you are covered in hats scarf and a jacket no one worries about the hairy leg when they too are trying to stay warm.

Zaful x Jseivad // Leaf Boho Dress

Every get the feeling of "what's next?" It's a question I asked myself recently because the summer was over and it felt like a chapter in my life was over. It was as if I walked into a new season and I felt it! 

Top 12 Summer 2016 Highlights

This summer has been amazing. First and for most  it was hot, so hot that I actually rocked a ponytail. Ha! I can't believe it's coming to an end, none-the less I decided to go out with a celebration. Highlighting my top moments of the summer. From bike riding at Chelsea Piers to celebrating Fourth of July with the family, this summer was nothing else but fun.

Beauty | E.L.F Matte Lipstick Review

Falling in love with my lips has been a long process but I can proudly say I love every single curve. This is the year I have decided to embrace it a bit more. This past week I stopped  by E.L.F Cosmetic store to replenish my make up kit that's when I found these cute Matte Lipsticks. It's only right that I share my fabulous find with you guys!!

Top 20 Backpacks We Love

Remember growing watching the days of clueless, screaming spice girls into a comb while jumping on your bed. Yes, I was somewhat that team, minus the jumping on the bed seeing as how I shared a room with my sisters. I love their style and was so in tune with how they felt. And I fell in love with their style, one thing I love the most was those cute backpacks. I always wanted them but then I grew up and fell in love with purses.

How to Style // Mandee Tee

casual Sunday are the best Sunday. Although I don't really need it to be Sunday in order to be causal, I just love saying it. Your style often says alot about your personality but more likely than not it's really how you feel in the morning. Today I really just wanted to embrace the meaning of this adorable tee. Blessed!!

How to D.I.Y // Pom Pom Sandals

When you hear pom-poms you usually  connected them with cheerleading! This season they have made it's way into the fashion community! From tops, bags, shoes and even shorts!!! I'm going gaga over pom-poms! So, much so it has been tugging on my heart to get something with them. However, I'm currently on a save as much money as I can budget because I'm getting a new place! So, I decided instead of purchasing a bag or shoe with pom-poms! I'll just make my own!!!

Payless x Jseivad // Christian Siriano Sandals

One of my favorite stories in the bible talks about being faithful in the little and in turn you will be given responsibility of more! Too often we despise humble beginnings. We see it as a shameful place to be! But the truth is, that's the best place to start! It's where you can make the biggest mistakes and no one will notice! It's where you can build on the foundation before you get to the top of the building! Set your skills, talent, mind, before moving forward!

Eye Feel Shady x Jseivad // Butterfly Shades

Although, summer time is the season where everyone wears less and complains more! It still one of my favorite times because you feel free! When you can let your hair down and just go with the flow! I especially love it when there are days where it's cool and sunny! Perfect beach weather or taking a stroll around the boardwalk! It's also the time where you need to take care of your skin. More rigorously!

Tobi x Jseivad // Wrap Dress

Summer time is about ice cream, wishing you were off from work, cool hangouts spots and lots and lots of photos! However, you can't do any of this without the right clothes. This is why I teamed up with Tobi to give you a three part summer style series! Focusing on three garments that are fabulous and functional! Pieces that can transition well throughout the season. First we had the Lace Crop Top , then the Seoul Skater Dress ! Now to wrap things up, literally, we have a wrap dress.  Versatile and comfortable. 

Tobi x Jseivad // Skater Dress

Summer days sweeping the clouds away!!!! On my day off all I like to do is grab my blanket find a park and lay down. Look up at the sky and think about my life goals, dreams and how far God has taken me! It's great when you have days like that. These are the days you can just grab a dress and go! Reason why I love this cute summer dress from Tobi!

CloudsandLadders X Jseivad

It's nothing better than wearing something designed especially from you. It's the designer capturing who you are in their design. Which is why I was so excited to get my pieces from Clouds and Ladders. I found this handmade jewelry brand on instagram a few months ago, and complete fell in love. The intricate design yet simplicity is something I'm always looking for in my jewelry. 

Tobi x Jseivad // Lace Top

It is officially summer and you know what that means! It's that perfect time for me to let my curls out! Just in time to because this month I'm happy to announce my first Summer Style Series, in collaboration with Tobi. This is a three part series that will be focused on three pieces I selected from Tobi. My goal is to show you how to pick out the right pieces that are great for summer yet can transition well, season to season. This is how you maximizing your wardrobe. Excited, I sure am!  So, let's get started! First up is this beautiful Lace top!

Top 4 Trends We Love this Month

Oh June, how I love you so! Not only do you bring the lilies and the bees but you also bring trends that are worth falling for! From a little shoulder love to some pom pom fun! This month adorable picks have me feeling all cheery inside! Here are the top four trends we are currently obsessing over!  And if you just gotta have them, don't you fear! You can shop the picks right here! Just click and go! 

How to Style // Headwrap

It's honesty time! I was so scared to wear head wraps because I thought my head was to big. Another reason is because I have to cornrow my hair down and then wrap it. Which often makes me feel like i don't have any hair. Most certainly is a lie. You see, I use to over analyze myself a lot. I'm currently working on it. Letting go every day little by little and trying things that make me a little uncomfortable. Out of no where I became obsessed with the headwrap trend. I decided it was time for me to dive head first and see what all the fuss was about.

Light Sweater & Linen Pants

First, I like to say thank you to all my supporters who have stuck by me this last year! You guys honestly keep me going! Not for nothing there are a lot of times where I want to quit. It's  not because I don't love what I do but because of how the industry treats me! However,  I realize it doesn't matter what any one says or thinks! It's about what I believe and who God says I am.

What to Wear // Romwe x Jseivad

 Re-working your wardrobe for the summer season sometimes is a hassle. Especially if your anything like me and you have barely any dresses in your closet. I mostly wear pants all season long. I have a few skirts mainly because I made them myself. With the help from Romwe I decide it's time to rework my wardrobe with a few great pieces. 

How to Style // Highwaist Pants

How many of you ladies still have pooch trouble. You know "pooch", it's the daunting bottom of your midsection area that is not always visible unless your wearing something formfitting. It's the little area that if you could just slide it off you would be able to have the six pack you always wanted. Luckily, there are several  clothing that can camouflage this section while it's still under construction. Even if it's not under construction it is great to have a pair of items that flatters rather than gather.

Vintage Dolce & Gabbana Trenchcoat

The best finds are when you least expect it. I find that this quote pertains to a lot of things in life. The grace of God is sufficient, whether your running late for work; miss an audition. Or even when you have gotten lazy in your own personal work. Through God's grace we are covered. This isn't to say we should take advantage and do what we want. It actually means do what you need to, be responsible and let the grace cover you when you need it the most. 

What to Wear // 2016 Spring Arrivals

Spring in the new season with  the latest arrival. I am so happy the weather is getting warmer. However, I tend to forget there is a certain deal it comes with when you live in New York. Better weather means tons more tourist. It's like hey you can have spring and summer but there's a catch. It's okay. I would say you get use to it but in reality you just learn to tolerate it. God is good though, I'm happy (insert smiley face).With the new styles who has time to think about the guy next to you taking pictures.

Ripped Jeans & Heavy Knits

Sunnier days are slowly approaching. Like me I'm sure your excited for the options of trading in your heavy coat for a simple heavy knit cardigan. It's always an added bonus when you have pieces that can work in the fall and spring. Having transitional pieces makes it easier to maximize your wardrobe while saving money.

How to Style // Dress to Mini Skirt

Daunting when your looking at your wardrobe and you scream out "I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR!!!" I think sometimes we can be a bit over dramatic don't you think. I know I am! Instead of screaming or turning our closet inside out let's stop for a second and think. What can we do to make something out of nothing.

Cargo Pants & Dumbo Art

They sometimes say cargo pants are for boys, I say whatever. In the streets of New York there are no rules. Just decorative wall art and a girl screaming for her voice to be heard. It's time that we stop settling for the norm and burst out in creativeness.

What to Wear // Winter Days

We just had a major snow storm this past weekend, that left everyone having a little cabin fever moment. The city was almost vacant of cars and people. There were a few of those adventurous ones willing to risk frost bites not to stay in the house. However, it had a pegged a question for me. How can you dress when your up to the knee with snow.

Guest Blogger :: Ruthie X Joy

Happy Love Month!!! Although I believe we should show people love everyday. That's something that honestly the world needs more off!!! Supporting one another, caring and not just the people we like but the people that's mean to us!

Faux Fur & Leather Coat

It is getting colder and colder as the day goes by. Winter is around the time I need to eat healthier and keep my body in check. Winter is also the time during the week days I dress really simple because I am always on the move. Since, I work for myself that means I have to make the most of my days. I have to focus on getting my task done for the day rather than look chic. I however, have found ways to work around style even in the cold. Staying warm while looking well put together.

Bye 2015 Hello 2016

Is it too late to say Happy New Year, I think not. Happy New Year!!! Aren't you excited. Honestly I'm super nervous but excited at the same time. This year is the year of the harvest. The word that we got on New Years Eve at church. It was a powerful word. One that has me expecting a great change in my entire life.