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Showing posts from July, 2016

Payless x Jseivad // Christian Siriano Sandals

One of my favorite stories in the bible talks about being faithful in the little and in turn you will be given responsibility of more! Too often we despise humble beginnings. We see it as a shameful place to be! But the truth is, that's the best place to start! It's where you can make the biggest mistakes and no one will notice! It's where you can build on the foundation before you get to the top of the building! Set your skills, talent, mind, before moving forward!

Eye Feel Shady x Jseivad // Butterfly Shades

Although, summer time is the season where everyone wears less and complains more! It still one of my favorite times because you feel free! When you can let your hair down and just go with the flow! I especially love it when there are days where it's cool and sunny! Perfect beach weather or taking a stroll around the boardwalk! It's also the time where you need to take care of your skin. More rigorously!

Tobi x Jseivad // Wrap Dress

Summer time is about ice cream, wishing you were off from work, cool hangouts spots and lots and lots of photos! However, you can't do any of this without the right clothes. This is why I teamed up with Tobi to give you a three part summer style series! Focusing on three garments that are fabulous and functional! Pieces that can transition well throughout the season. First we had the Lace Crop Top , then the Seoul Skater Dress ! Now to wrap things up, literally, we have a wrap dress.  Versatile and comfortable.